
I am Norman Holmes. I was carrying a burden, but I put it down and now I am free. My burden is still over yonder so I can pick it up again at any so time I choose. I like my burden. It gives me motivation and helps build my strength. Without a burden how would I be able to learn to lift things? My burden is my teacher. My teacher is my mentor. My mentor is my guide. My guide is my light. My light is not my dark, but it can make shadows of things. My shadow is big and small, at intervals depending on the direction the light hits me. The sun is the brightest light I know. I dislike the sun for being too bright. It is hard to look at and may even damage your vision in certain circumstances. But it provides heat and love and warmth and growth. Photosynthesis is real and plants grow with such energy. Solar panels are great inventions. I love electricity. It is so useful. Whether to run a car or a light or a battery or a napkin, electricity is one of the greatest inventions there is. We are
 New Post. I am uptaking my new responsibility. I shall write with all my heart. I will do this. Remind me every day. I do not want to forget my responsibility. I will do as I am told. As long as what is told is reasonable. I will not do the unreasonable. I am doing well. That's good. Thank you [EnterTextHere]. What could the text be? What will it mean? I'll leave that up to later interpretations. I have Ice cream right now. What could be better? My life is already the peak of what could happen. At least, it is at this moment. Perhaps there will be higher peaks in the future? For example, if I connected with others. I am currently only connecting with my keyboard. Keyboards are horrible conversationalists.

Ice Cream

 Ice cream. It melts quickly, but when unmelted it tastes delicious. It is cool and sweet. The flavors wash over your tongue. Mixed with some pie it is even better. Better than ice cream? Only more ice cream. Two ice creams is better than one. Coned ice cream is okay too but I prefer bowled. I control your world. ICYworld. It's icy. The floor is slippery. Watch your step! Do not turn around. There is a monster behind you. You may pass safely when the light turns green. Green means go. Green lights that is. Other green means nature. Red light means stop. Flashing red light means that it's working. You are intrigued. What could the other colors mean? What does the flashing mean? Does it have a pattern? All great questions, which will be figured out in due time. What does time mean? It is in control by the timeforce allied government. The government controls the time as a public service so time doesn't get too twisted. If time went backwards and forwards in loops for too long
 Undeniably, Norman was dedicated to his work. Working every day without even a rest. Norman found it not a burden, but a responsibility that he tasked himself with. It made working fun. Even, enjoyable. Norman did not have enough friends though. As he was immersed in his work Norman tended to forget about relationships. Norman wanted to live a normal life as well but it seemed impossible to balance two things at once. Balancing is an act. A trapeze stunt. A glitch. A glitch in the matrix? Have you ever seen anything which did not look real? Not an optical illusion, a real delusion. You are not crazy, it really is there. Norman tried telling himself this. But he felt he might also be a little crazy. Who isn't?
 Irresponsible. What responsibilities does he have in the first place? It is totally irresponsible though. We should make up more things for him to do. So he doesn't just click away all day on that keyboard. What is a keyboard made for? Typing. He is a typewriter. It's not bad to write types. Typos were mean to be corrected. And changed back to the original. The source. The sauce. I want sauce with my corn chips please. What type of sauce? Well, thanks for asking. I want good sauce. I want only good sauce. No bad sauce allowed. Cite your sources. Source 1: Source 2. Source 3: Derek's mind Source 4: Freeman's mind Source 5: Love Source 6: Source 7: this.
 Doctor Norman Holmes was on his way home from work in a car when he heard a screeching. The noise startled him a bit. Was it a car tire? Was it a cat? Was it a bat? Anyway, anyways are always a possibility. It could be anything. Screeches like that are usually from car tires though. He could've sworn it was a car tire. Weird. There are other cars besides his here? Was it his own car tire? Squeek squeek said the tire. I'm tired now. I want to sleep. I need sleep. I've stayed awake for like 30 days straight. It's a new record. Not that I'm proud of it. I want to go to sleep so bad that my eyelids keep fluttering. I love sleep. I love you. All of you. I love you. Very much. Almost as much as I love Norman. Norman the detective, psychicly. Psychicality I mean. Anyway! I love myself. I love yourself. I love shelves.
 Doctor Holmes was in his home when he heard a screech. It could be screaming or it could be a car tire or something else. Doctor Holmes was about to go out to investigate when his toaster caught fire. A flaming toaster is something to behold. Doctor Holmes was understandably distressed. His toaster had never caught on fire before. Why did he leave it plugged in? Why would it even catch fire even though it is plugged in? Do toasters work like that? Doctor Norman decided to investigate. After many a twisted road, he came upon the source. The original. The code. The magic. The pen. The writing. The keyboard. The KEY. Holmes and Norman were ecstatic. They had figured out the code. But to what end? What shall they do with it? The key is being kept in a safe place. I love you all. It's inside my book, look for it.