I am Norman Holmes. I was carrying a burden, but I put it down and now I am free. My burden is still over yonder so I can pick it up again at any so time I choose. I like my burden. It gives me motivation and helps build my strength. Without a burden how would I be able to learn to lift things? My burden is my teacher. My teacher is my mentor. My mentor is my guide. My guide is my light. My light is not my dark, but it can make shadows of things.

My shadow is big and small, at intervals depending on the direction the light hits me. The sun is the brightest light I know. I dislike the sun for being too bright. It is hard to look at and may even damage your vision in certain circumstances. But it provides heat and love and warmth and growth. Photosynthesis is real and plants grow with such energy. Solar panels are great inventions. I love electricity. It is so useful.

Whether to run a car or a light or a battery or a napkin, electricity is one of the greatest inventions there is. We are different because we are connected on the internet. We can share our stories. What is your story? Leave it in the comments below. My story is this: I once saw a cat. The cat was lovely with black and white. The white was less pronounced than the black, but it was still there. The cat wasn't only black or only white, but a mix of the two. I liked this cat as if it were my own. I petted it almost daily and tried to share my candies with it before being reprimanded. It would sniff my palm and then rub against my hand. What an adorable cat this was. The End... for now~!


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