
Showing posts from April, 2024
 Doctor Holmes was on his day off one day when he heard a sudden startling sound. It was not a cat. It was a bat. Where do they get bats out here in the city?! He asked, chagrined. The screeching of the bat suddenly stopped, as fast as it started. It made you wonder if there even was screeching in the first place. But there was. I remember it. So it happened. My memory couldn't possibly be that faulty to forget something less than a second ago.
 Today was a wonderful day. We went singing in the park and there was nary a person around. Singing songs can let your voice and emotions be free. Freedom is the necessity for self-growth. So singing can make yourself sprout from a little bud into a Coniferous tree. Singing could be called my one true passion. I love to make songs and sing already made songs. Songs that are already made up are easier because they don't need more lyrics, but new lyrics make things more interesting.
 Norman Holmes was walking home one day along his regular route. The trees were green and supple; the plants were green and blooming; the blossoms were green and tender. Everything was the way it was and the way it should be. The fog looming over the city had an Air Safety Index rating of 43, so it was non-toxic and even those with lung cancer could breathe more or less freely. When Norman was walking something peculiar happened at that moment. A cat jumped out of an alley and started meowing at Norman. As a cat enthusiast, Norman was understandably thrilled but a little confused as the city had few stray cats these days. Why was there a cat here? What had happened to this cat to bring it to this place? Is there something in store for the future of the cat? So Norman tried to approach, but understandably the cat was skittish and fled away. Norman continued on his walk, bemused by the cat. Trying to find his way back home amidst the undergrowth of city landscaping. Eventually when he ca
 My name is Samuel Harrison and I am Norman Holmes' assistant. Holmes needs help during his periods of delusion and distortion. When he feels the world is entirely against him he needs someone to wake him up and know that there are caring people out there.
 My name is Norman J. Holmes. My ambition is to make the world as it once was, with peace, prosperity, and matched toes. There is nothing wrong with mismatched toes, but I would prefer the world was correct and in balance. The toes of the world are a-kilter. A-heathen. A-messed. A-frothed. A-pilter. A-patter. A pattern. It shows a pattern. There is nothing more than I could do than watch the world tumble into it's precarious state. My cats are screaming. I wish upon the brightest star in the sky, 'Why oh why can't we just be normal today?' As normallity, while boring, brings peace and comfort. There are no danger zones here. Just a bit of bumps on the road that is under constuction. The animals outside cast their eyes upon the wind. The blowing noise swept through Trenton. I do not live in Trenton. I live in New York, New York. Manhattan. The heart of the U.S. of A. Once the US started to fight itself, there was no saving it. Black is the color of burgundy turned darker
 My name is Norman Smith. I am Norman Holmes's first client. As we are both called Norman we both believe in god. What a normie.
 Primates. Mammals. Humanity. They are all lost. Where can we find them? I love you. I love you. I love you again. I want to find love. Where is love? It's lost. Love is lost. I was loved by everybody and now I am nothing.; I am nothing. IIIII am nothing. I'm NOTHING. Sighs. Why is this happening to me? I just want to find Jerry and talk about pokémon together. ? why is this. why. why. whyu. why. whyu. why.? WHat. WHAT?
 I am Norman J. Holmes. I love cats. Enough about cats. Already, I have sensed that people have stared not caring about cats. Myself included. But cats are so fluffy and loveable. They pee where they are supposed to most of the time. Done.
 I am AVA the angel of death. Winds roar when my noises sound. Once upon a time there was a cat who loved to eat kids and stuff. Hummus was his favorite food. Cats normally can't eat hummus, but this one could. This cat was the king of the cats. He called his cat generals and cat horses and cat men and cat kids and cat wives and cat husbands and cat kids again and again. And the cat wives and husbands were left behind while the soldiers and the families of the soldiers prepared for war.
 PJs are the most amazing invention in all of time. Once there was a cat who loved pajamas. He got static electric shocks every day. It was inspiring. I love that cat. I love you. I love everything. I love too much. I loved my counselor Bowen but now I don't. I still love Bowen but in the general manor. Upon a time there were romantic action and static action to slow down time. I'm bearing witness. I can see. I can see. I can see. I can see. I can see. I can see. I can.
 Once I loved cats. Now I still love cats. I shall continue to love cats. Cats cannot cure my love. It is a horror hospital. Where will the cats go when humans are gone?
 There was a cat that liked to kill everything. I hate that cat. Once the cat was a kid and loved everything. What went wrong?
 My old war wounds tingled. The pain shot through my hand. What is going on? Is something happening? Once a cat came up to me and thought about hitting me. He wanted to have fun but was scratched. Unfortunate. Nothing is better than having fun. How do you do you do? You like me and I like you Come and take me by the hand so don't be my man, How do you do you do? Whistles. 78 91 44 45 61 It's a mystery.
 As I saw the towers collapsing there were books scattered about inside a kitchen. Once a cat rode upon the heights of the hidden villa there was nothing that could be done. The towers trembled and trembled and once they stopped moving they started to give themselves a bath. The towers took towels and toiletries and started a revolution. once there is enough towers then the towers will turn over and the sides will be switched.
 My name is Norman Holmes. I am a psychic detective. Like Shawn Spencer. Since I was a child I've lived in the grasp of others my entire life. Once I came upon a cat and it hissed at me. I loved cats, but now I'm not sure. What is the meaning of life? Faith? Justice? Distress? Anyway, I love to cook and write books as a hobby.