My name is Norman J. Holmes. My ambition is to make the world as it once was, with peace, prosperity, and matched toes. There is nothing wrong with mismatched toes, but I would prefer the world was correct and in balance. The toes of the world are a-kilter. A-heathen. A-messed. A-frothed. A-pilter. A-patter. A pattern. It shows a pattern. There is nothing more than I could do than watch the world tumble into it's precarious state. My cats are screaming. I wish upon the brightest star in the sky, 'Why oh why can't we just be normal today?' As normallity, while boring, brings peace and comfort. There are no danger zones here. Just a bit of bumps on the road that is under constuction.

The animals outside cast their eyes upon the wind. The blowing noise swept through Trenton. I do not live in Trenton. I live in New York, New York. Manhattan. The heart of the U.S. of A. Once the US started to fight itself, there was no saving it. Black is the color of burgundy turned darker.


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