New post it notes are available every day. Some days Norman would decide to buy the post it notes as they could and would be useful in remembering things and writing notes. Paper is a genius invention. Whoever came up with paper deserves the world. Papyrus doesn't count. I would like a genius inventor on my team. We have teams now, purple and red. Red is an advocate for stopping, letting go and sleeping. Purple is an advocate for eating, resting, playing and praying.

Sometimes when Norman was alone he would walk all around his house. Not pacing, walking. Pacing is like in a straightish line back and forth while walking is more fluid. You have to be careful when walking or you might bump into something. Or fall down and hurt your foot. You have to be especially careful around stairs. Stairs lead you up and lead you down. Conventionally, walking involves paying attention to your surroundings. But if you have walked enough in a certain path it becomes habit. Habitually, walking is dangerous.

But more dangerous than walking is driving. Driving a car or other automobile can be deadly. Crashing, smashing, bashing, lashing. All kinds of injuries related to driving come out every year; and yet people still do not slow down the pace of their driving. Driving drunk on the highway, anything may happen.

Once I find my destination I stop and take a quick rest. Norman gathers the evidence he has collected and prepares for the trial. Norman is prepared. I'm ready!


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