
Showing posts from May, 2024
 New Post. I am uptaking my new responsibility. I shall write with all my heart. I will do this. Remind me every day. I do not want to forget my responsibility. I will do as I am told. As long as what is told is reasonable. I will not do the unreasonable. I am doing well. That's good. Thank you [EnterTextHere]. What could the text be? What will it mean? I'll leave that up to later interpretations. I have Ice cream right now. What could be better? My life is already the peak of what could happen. At least, it is at this moment. Perhaps there will be higher peaks in the future? For example, if I connected with others. I am currently only connecting with my keyboard. Keyboards are horrible conversationalists.

Ice Cream

 Ice cream. It melts quickly, but when unmelted it tastes delicious. It is cool and sweet. The flavors wash over your tongue. Mixed with some pie it is even better. Better than ice cream? Only more ice cream. Two ice creams is better than one. Coned ice cream is okay too but I prefer bowled. I control your world. ICYworld. It's icy. The floor is slippery. Watch your step! Do not turn around. There is a monster behind you. You may pass safely when the light turns green. Green means go. Green lights that is. Other green means nature. Red light means stop. Flashing red light means that it's working. You are intrigued. What could the other colors mean? What does the flashing mean? Does it have a pattern? All great questions, which will be figured out in due time. What does time mean? It is in control by the timeforce allied government. The government controls the time as a public service so time doesn't get too twisted. If time went backwards and forwards in loops for too long
 Undeniably, Norman was dedicated to his work. Working every day without even a rest. Norman found it not a burden, but a responsibility that he tasked himself with. It made working fun. Even, enjoyable. Norman did not have enough friends though. As he was immersed in his work Norman tended to forget about relationships. Norman wanted to live a normal life as well but it seemed impossible to balance two things at once. Balancing is an act. A trapeze stunt. A glitch. A glitch in the matrix? Have you ever seen anything which did not look real? Not an optical illusion, a real delusion. You are not crazy, it really is there. Norman tried telling himself this. But he felt he might also be a little crazy. Who isn't?
 Irresponsible. What responsibilities does he have in the first place? It is totally irresponsible though. We should make up more things for him to do. So he doesn't just click away all day on that keyboard. What is a keyboard made for? Typing. He is a typewriter. It's not bad to write types. Typos were mean to be corrected. And changed back to the original. The source. The sauce. I want sauce with my corn chips please. What type of sauce? Well, thanks for asking. I want good sauce. I want only good sauce. No bad sauce allowed. Cite your sources. Source 1: Source 2. Source 3: Derek's mind Source 4: Freeman's mind Source 5: Love Source 6: Source 7: this.
 Doctor Norman Holmes was on his way home from work in a car when he heard a screeching. The noise startled him a bit. Was it a car tire? Was it a cat? Was it a bat? Anyway, anyways are always a possibility. It could be anything. Screeches like that are usually from car tires though. He could've sworn it was a car tire. Weird. There are other cars besides his here? Was it his own car tire? Squeek squeek said the tire. I'm tired now. I want to sleep. I need sleep. I've stayed awake for like 30 days straight. It's a new record. Not that I'm proud of it. I want to go to sleep so bad that my eyelids keep fluttering. I love sleep. I love you. All of you. I love you. Very much. Almost as much as I love Norman. Norman the detective, psychicly. Psychicality I mean. Anyway! I love myself. I love yourself. I love shelves.
 Doctor Holmes was in his home when he heard a screech. It could be screaming or it could be a car tire or something else. Doctor Holmes was about to go out to investigate when his toaster caught fire. A flaming toaster is something to behold. Doctor Holmes was understandably distressed. His toaster had never caught on fire before. Why did he leave it plugged in? Why would it even catch fire even though it is plugged in? Do toasters work like that? Doctor Norman decided to investigate. After many a twisted road, he came upon the source. The original. The code. The magic. The pen. The writing. The keyboard. The KEY. Holmes and Norman were ecstatic. They had figured out the code. But to what end? What shall they do with it? The key is being kept in a safe place. I love you all. It's inside my book, look for it.
 The book "Liar in a Crowded Theater" could be considered a masterpiece. I have not read the book, but from what I hear of Jeff Kosseff it blows away other internet themed data analysis. It says "Freedom of speech in a world of misinformation" and takes that point to the next level. It details types of lies and types of truths. Even though lies can inflict huge damage, they should be protected under law. Liar in a crowded theater explores both history of protected falsehoods and where to go from there. Midshipmen who were taught at the US Naval Academy must have benefitted much from being under a smart guy like Jeff. Jeff considers himself a scholar and enjoyed the challenge of critical thinking at the academy. Part I. Why the law protects falsehoods. Part II. Why we regulate falsehoods. Part III. Why we empower rationality. These three objectives are the main themes of the book. Empowering Rationality is split into four stanzas, Counterspeech and Self-help, Interme
 Norman tried to cry, but tears wouldn't come out. He has been depressed all week. Nothing is like the difference between losing someone and losing a pet. Pets are dependent on their humans. They are shoveling officers. The officer feels empty and pointless when the pet is gone. Dealing with loss is difficult. How to move on peacefully? Norman didn't know. He didn't want to know. 'Why?' is a question that should never have been asked, it just pokes his sensibilities. Norman swallowed a pill. What was the purpose of taking these? He wondered. They seemed to be ineffective. Did anything really change? People around him assure him that the pills are for his own good, but Norman isn't so sure. Don't they just want to control him? Does he need to be controlled? Norman's psychic ability is too great that it makes some people scared. Norman can see the clues in other people's very eyes. He can see their souls. What makes people tick. Tick tock on the clock,
 New post it notes are available every day. Some days Norman would decide to buy the post it notes as they could and would be useful in remembering things and writing notes. Paper is a genius invention. Whoever came up with paper deserves the world. Papyrus doesn't count. I would like a genius inventor on my team. We have teams now, purple and red. Red is an advocate for stopping, letting go and sleeping. Purple is an advocate for eating, resting, playing and praying. Sometimes when Norman was alone he would walk all around his house. Not pacing, walking. Pacing is like in a straightish line back and forth while walking is more fluid. You have to be careful when walking or you might bump into something. Or fall down and hurt your foot. You have to be especially careful around stairs. Stairs lead you up and lead you down. Conventionally, walking involves paying attention to your surroundings. But if you have walked enough in a certain path it becomes habit. Habitually, walking is da
 'Til the ends of the Earth they searched and they still could not find him. The lost missing boy. The only thing they know is that he got a Christmas present in the form of a colorful red and green blanket. 258 Close to that Hi Mozzer Oh this one doesn't work out very well. No, I'm going to get hired. I got 318. 106 times three. What about 108? 255. Not my favorite small cloud. I prefer super flying nimbuses like the Monkey King has. Sun Wukong is my idol. Heaven's sage is his title. And he can battle an entire army all by himself. How could a chair suddenly do that? It moved. While I was sitting in it. I only have one and it has a flame in it. I got 183 in total. I got 1 star and only 60. That was 255, Now I'm going to try 268. I need less than a thousand birthday cakes to reach 40,000 then I'll get a Christmas present. Like the boy got before. We should find the lost missing boy. Carpet search? Ineffective. Waiting for him to return? He's lost, he might n
 Doctor Norman Holmes was doctoring about, doing doctor things. Doctor Norman decided that when in doubt, doctor it out. He cut out all of his life that had been in vain and only left the accomplishments. He called it a real-life litehigh montage. A highlight reel, if you will. Doctor Norman Holmes invested in his achievements and his achievements boosted him to greatness. For with something comes something. With nothing comes nothing. But there is definitely something there. What is there, exactly? Give me an extra specific example, definition and generality. The example of there is something. The definition is there is something that is there; i.e. a place. And a generality is the thether. There and here, together. Both. Neither. Either. Or. And. What have you? I have this. I've got this. I've got this guys, I've got this! I gotsies this. I gotz this. I got 5 goats at 5 guys.
 Thermostats. Telling us the very nature of our temperatures. But did you know that there is something deeper within them? Mercury. The nature of mercury is toxic, so thermostats are toxic. They have come out with non-toxic thermostats recently though. Anyways, with the ever expanding number of doorways people may find it more and more difficult to remain where they want to belong. It can get confusing when two lefts make a right and a right makes three lefts! These doors were built to keep you confused and without orientation. You need an orientation-meter to keep metric pace of the doors. The doors do make sense, you just have to sense it enough. Through the pace of the door opening and door closing we can get a handle (pun intended) on the door movements. Door movements are the swinging of doors, the trapezing of doors, the velveting of doors and the hanging of doors off of hinges in circular motions. Spiral doors (as of yet to have been invented) are the most trickiest sort. They a
 'Til death do us part. The sacred vows of marriage. Norman had never been married. He didn't expect to ever be married. Norman didn't even talk to women in his dreams. He only talked to cold hard facts. Norman was a detective, the best of his trade. And Norman made money. A lot of money. Like so much money that Norman didn't know what to do with it. Sometimes he sat in his apartment and frolicked with his money that he had so much of. Marriage. Two people loving each other. The sacred bonds of man and wife. Or what have you. Norman didn't care for bonds so much. Is attraction really irresistible? Then why doesn't Hydrogen just bond with everything, huh? Hydrogen only bonds with select compounds which are scientifically verified. It is a classy element. One of the classiest. Of the periodic table it's hard to find a nobler gas than Hydrogen. Marriage again. Two people loving each other. What is love? Is it a chemical reaction? Is it a force of nature? Is it


Holmes. Norman Holmes. Like Sherlock Holmes but Norman. Norman felt ambivalent about his last name. Was he supposed to become a super detective like his namesake? He felt it was tedious enough to be an average psychic detective. Although we should always strive to be better. The best versions of ourselves, even. To be the best. Did Norman have what it took in him? He wanted to live up to his name, Norman J. Holmes, but didn't know how. Where do you even start? Norman decided to crack down on the next case especially hard. Work always felt like a way to relieve stress, when not against one's will. Working against your will felt like rather than improving yourself and your livelihood you would get cheaply exploited by the foils of mankind. The agenda, the capitalist agenda, to keep everyone in their place. Norman wanted his name to mean things, and not to be exploited. Norman decided to fight!
 Blogspot. That was all Norman had on his mind. To share with the world your babble of words, in a loosely constructed manor. To blog, to be blogged, to have blogged, to the blogiest to the max. There was nothing wrong with blogging in particular, but Norman did have a shred of dignity left. What if everything was laid bare? How could he live with himself? Blogging was meant to be a mere pastime, rather than something that consumed him. Norman chucked. Consumed him? What did he think a blog was? It's just a little jot of ink on the computer screen. Just a little pebble on the road. No one would ever even see it. Unless they perhaps looked one day. Blog were meant to be seen, but only by those in the know. In the fold. In the weather. Inside the Armageddon. There is nothing where there is nothing and there is something where there are pieces. Pieces of memories, of blogs. Spots.
 The edifice of Norman's achievements was hanging in the center of the hall. His life's work on display. All of everything that had been accomplished by Norman just floating in the middle of the entryway. Norman looked upon it with pride and smiled and nodded and floated and sang and happened to stance. Happenstance, there was a little mouse who climbed into the doorway just now. The mouse saw the edifice and was enthralled. How could one person be so grand? It's a mockery of those who amount to nothing. With so many achievements Norman could build a skyscraper. Norman should be proud, is proud and will be proud of himself and what he has done. Norman is the best psychic detective Manhattan has ever seen. And it's seen a lot of wizards with wings flying of bookshelves. To do is to think and to think is to live and to live is to frolic and to frolic is to prosper. Doing is prospering. Prosperous times are ahead!


 Norman decided that catching clues the normal way was too slow. He took three looks around and one look up and down and caught clues in a panoramic manor. Much faster! Norman decided to speed up even more. Only one look around and two looks up, zero looks down. As looking down was only towards the floor, Norman deemed it unnecessary. Norman was finding clues like a madman. Although, he wasn't quite sure what these clues were heading towards. As a detective, you should have a fulcrum in your heart as to what everything is decided to do. These clues, however, were boundless. Norman decided to find out what the clue's intent was. He took a clue piece and threw it in the water. It sunk. Norman was puzzled. Wasn't it supposed to float somewhere? Why is the density of these clues so high? Norman looked twice up and around zero times as he had already looked around a bunch. Now his head was pointing almost directly vertically. Maybe looking up so many times is unnecessary as well
 Give me liberty or give me death. Liberty is having the right to make actions. Being liberal towards yourself and the power of yourself. To liberate your body and mind. Death is the end, the final farewell. To death is towards the end, and should be taken with caution. It is extreme to say something or death. Like it is a last resort. Are your liberties threatened? Are your liberties that important? Will you really fight or flight to the death? I only care about my words.
 Freedom. The notion of freedom is the greatest lie since the dawn of the Express. Freedom is not something you can have. Everyone is bound by the great chains of cause an effect. Karma. Action and reaction. Matter and antimatter. You cannot escape. There is no freedom. To think, to have the notion, of being free, is just a twisted interpretation of what cannot happen. You are bound to your duty, whether you like to admit it or not. We are slaves to the machine. Not the machine of capitalism like some like to point out, but the machine of life. We have to live. We have to drink. We have to eat. We have to sleep. It is a cycle, and you cannot break away without death. Death is the great equalizer. But beyond death won't it just be more of the same?
      Bold actions must be taken. They are violation our rights. We must stand up for ourselves and others. We must not give in. We must not give up. We must not give them anything. We need to fight. We need to fight! Fight for our rights. Our liberties. Our freedoms. Bold actions are being taken as we speak. Protests are being held. There are others. There are others out there who believe like we believe. We must not give up. We musnt give up! We must not give in to the feeling that it will be okay if we rest here, and we must go further and farther and yonder and wonder and why? Why must we? Because, it is real.
 Norman Holmes was hard at work. Finding clues. Finding alternatives. Finding labels. Finding evidence. Hard evidence. Evidence so hard you could win a courthouse with it. Norman decided that he would automate his body so he could do more work efficiently. He became a robot. An android. Nothing was left but bolts and pieces. All humanity was lost. Long was the void in which he threw himself. In the pursuit of a more human power be became what he once feared most. Nothing.
 I am a cat. My sleep was disturbed by this human petting my fur. I meowed three times. Then I yawned, like really wide yawn.